Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm back.

I've returned to school, have my room all set up, and am ready for my Sophomore year to begin. I guess that means I'm just a tad bit older, hopefully a lot wiser, and ready to take on whatever God has to teach me this year. From an intellectual standpoint, I look at where I was last year at this time and marvel at how far I've come in just 12 short months. I can't imagine what the next year could have in store.

So, you should be my Netflix friend. I've made the switch back to Netflix because the powers-that-be at Blockbuster adjusted their prices through the freakin' roof! So, either click this or shoot me an email (phillip.e.johnston [at] gmail (dot) com).

1 comment:

Nate said...

Would you mind telling me just how drastically Blockbuster adjusted their prices? My account billing has stayed exactly the same, but maybe they're just favoring me because I've been a member for so long.

Anyway, I'll be your Netflix friend!